Compose a paragraph to explain natural phenomena ( how to do or use something, how something works)
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What does expository mean? something intended to explain or describe
- Write the steps taken to do or make something or how something works
An expository essay is one that requires you to explain a thing or a process fully. The explanation will necessarily demand writing a great deal about what distinguishes the subject of the essay from all other things. It may also involve some description.
Apart from dealing with things that we can see, hear, touch, smell or taste, an expository essay may also treat things that we may not be able to feel directly. It covers a wide range indeed. The subjects of expository essays include feature articles in newspapers and magazines or formal letters and addresses. Such writings not only state facts or describe situations, but also make judgements. Much of the material in textbooks will be found to be expository – the test of air pressure in pure science; the financial state of a nation in economics; the role of a State in international affairs, in history or political science; and so on.
Usually, expository essays require the writer to compare and contrast; discuss causes and effects of something; or define something thoroughly (illustration). For example, the topic ‘A friend in need, is a friend indeed’, requires an illustration approach. Most newspaper articles (which offer opinion) are written in the expository style.
If you are asked to write on wild animals, you will have to define what wild animals are. Then you go ahead to explain that definition. To do this, you will either give examples of wild animals that the reader should know, or say what things make them to be referred to as wild instead of domestic.
Comparison shows the similarities between two things while contrast shows the In order to write a good expository essay on wild animals, for example, you may compare them with domestic animals. Comparison and contrast are more effective when they are used systematically. This may be achieved in two ways:
1. By discussing one of the subjects being compared first before going to the other.
2. By comparing the two at the same time before contrasting.
If you have to write on ‘The life of our forefathers’, you may compare it to the life of present day man. Look at this outline:
ii. Health of our forefathers /Health of people today
iii.Farming methods and life-style of our forefathers
iv. Farming today
v. Conclusion
Another way to discuss the topic is to treat the issue concerning our forefathers in paragraphs i and iii, and then discuss present day man in paragraphs iv and v thus:
Paragraph 1. Introduction
11. Health of our forefathers
iii. Farming methods and life-style of our forefathers
iv. Present day man’s farming and life-style
v. Conclusion: Your opinion
(c) Cause and Effect
This tries to explain why something happens. Cause is the connection between two events that helps us to conclude that if A happens, then B will happen or cannot occur. One effect may have several causes. Therefore, the writer can discuss the different causes that led to one effect. He can also start from the effect and try to find out the causes or cause of that effect. The topic, ‘How to curb accidents’, is a good example of this.
(d) Illustration
This method is used when you are expected to show how or why something happens. It is used to explain a wise saying, a proverb, or an epigram, or express personal opinions. The specimen topic: ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ is a good example of this.
- There have been various articles in your national newspapers discussing the rise in the prices of goods. Write your contribution to the discussion and suggest ways to help curb the trend.
Paragraph 1. Introduction: Your observation
ii. Explaining the problem
iii. First major result
iv. Second major result.
v. Conclusion: The need to solve the problem
2. Write an article for publication in one of your local newspapers on the need to improve sanitation in your area.
i. Introduction: The state of sanitation I definition of sanitation
ii The need for sanitation
iii. First way to improve (detailed) Second way to improve (detailed)
.iv. Conclusion: Hope that the new measures offered will be used.
3. Write an article to illustrate the saying: A friend in need is a friend in deed.
Paragraph i. Introduction: Say who your friend is
ii. How friendly you are
iii.Another proof that you are good friends
iv. An incident to prove the saying Conclusion
4. There have been many fatal road accidents recently. Write an article for publication identifying the major causes and suggest ways to reduce road accidents.
i. What caused your article to be written?
ii. First major cause of road accidents
iii. Second major cause
iv. Suggestions on how to curb road accidents
5. Write an article for publication in a magazine discussing the views of parents on young people organizing or attending night parties.
Paragraph i. Introduction: What prompted your article?
ii. Views of parents I
iii. Views of parents II
iv. Your opinion (Conclusion)
Expository essays talk about giving information to the reader about something which is either familiar or unfamiliar to the reader. It includes giving information, instructions and directions.
It is important to use simple languages, clear and step by step procedure if you have no knowledge about the subject you are to write about, do not attempt the question. Example, write about how pepper is cultivated to a friend who has no idea about it. If you have no knowledge about how pepper is planted, do not attempt it.
You live about ten kilometers away from your school. Write accurate to a friend who wishes to visit you (B.E.C.E 2007)
You promised to visit me this long vacation. I write to give you directions to my house.
As you live closer to Madina Rawlings Park, board a vehicle going to Bawaleshic and tell the mate you will alight at Bawaleshie traffic light. Turn left and walk about hundred metres away from the Traffic Light. You would see a yellow MTN warehouse on the right.
Stand in front of this ware house and pick a taxi going to American house. Alight at the last stop, tum around and you will see a big mango tree. It is the only tree around so it is not difficult to see. Walk towards the mango tree and ask of mango lane. It is a footpath. Whiles going, be looking on your left and you will come across building ‘Shiashi Community Junior High school’ boldly written on it.
Walk about ten kilometers and you would see two white storey buildings on the same lane with the school building thus my school. The second storey building with house number26/c is my house. Just press the bell and would be there to welcome you.
Don’t be afraid if you hear the barking of Dogs. They are rather friendly.
I look forward to seeing you soon