Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Ask questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions in conversation. TERM 1

Hello learner,

I hope you are doing great today.

Welcome to this lesson which is meant to take you through some questioning skills.

In this lesson we are going to:

  • Identify words that can help give elaborate responses to questions in conversations.
  • Engage in conversation using these words to elicit elaboration.

Before we dive into our objectives lets watch the video below.

I hope you enjoyed the conversation. I hope you identified words that can help give elaboration and responses to questions in conversation. I hope you identified words like: who, what, where, why, how ,when…. Bravo!!
Example of a conversation between a student and the chatbot. ELIZA: Chatbot; YOU: Student.  
200 Common English Dialogs for Daily Life - YouTube
DailyDialog Dataset | Papers With Code

Practise conversation in groups and in pairs using formal and informal language.