Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Articles For Publication term 2


An Article is a piece of writing meant to be published in newspapers and magazines for people to read. It talks about issues around us.

There are generally three types of articles when it comes to B.E.C.E

They are:

i. Articles for school magazines

ii. Articles for national newspapers

iii. Articles for foreign and international magazines


TITLE OR HEADING– this should be written in capital letters and underlined. The title or heading is a summary of the question (topic)


When writing an article, the introduction should not contain a pronoun that refers to the title. Eg if the topic is Tape the introduction should not begin It is the crime of forcing sexual intercourse on a girl or a woman.

The reason for introduction is to get the reader’s attention and say something about the topic.

The introduction is very important so do your best to introduce the topic.


Each paragraph should contain a particular idea and make sure each sentence is not too long. Use linking expressions to start a paragraph when bringing out another idea. Do not use contractions and colloquial expressions



Just like you introduced so you must conclude in another paragraph E.g. If the topic is about poor sanitary conditions at Mamobi, the conclusion can be: It is my belief that the various stake holders will take th necessary steps in making Mamobi a safe place to live in.


This is written at the bottom of the right-hand comer and it depends on the type of article


Articles for school magazines

The name of the writer and class or post held in the school should be written.

E.g Forgive Attipoe or Emmanuel Frimpong

(Sanitary prefect) ( KP. JHS 2)

Articles for national newspapers

E.g Pamela Seho, or Felicia Aboage

P.O BOX 143, Ningo – Prampram



Francis Darko

Kinder Paradise School,


Articles for foreign or international Magazines


Edmund Nartey or Sekina Abigail

P.O BOX 80, P.O. Box 63,

Accra-Ghana. Bolgatanga,



Write an article for publication in the Junior Graphic on the topic: Why candidates should not che in examinations’.


Cheating in all examinations has been a topic for public debate for sometime now. The essence of this article is to talk about the effects of indulging in such shameful practices. Cheating occurs in various forms.

However, no matter the form in which it takes, it is a practice that should not be engaged by any candidate. The following are some of the reasons why candidates should not cheat in examinations.

In the first place, whenever a candidate is caught cheating in an examination, his or her paper could be cancelled and could be fined in addition. It will therefore become part of the candidate’s academic records and hence negatively affect his or her future.

Secondly, when you do the first attempt in cheating, the candidate would find it interesting to do and so get used to it. Putting a stop to it becomes difficult. The candidate would most likely be caught and would bring disgrace and humiliation to him or her.

Thirdly, cheating in examinations leads to dishonest and deviant behaviour which society condemns This person is not good enough to be a member of the society.

In conclusion, no matter how smart a candidate thinks he or she is, cheating in an examination should not be something any candidate should attempt doing.

Daniel Affadu,

Grace Academy,

Dansoman- Accra.

Trial and discussion QUESTIONS ON ARTICLES

  1. Write an article to a newspaper on at least two problems which worry people of your town or village and suggest what can be done to solve the problem.
  2. Your area is experiencing poor sanitary conditions. Write an article for publication in a local spaper on the issue and suggest ways of solving it.
  3. Write an article to be published in your school magazine on the importance of reading.