Week 1

B.  listen to and sing familiar songs with appropriate expressions.

Hello Learner!

I hope you’re all doing well today,

Before we dive into today’s lesson, each one of you will tell me about how the vacation was spent.

In this lesson, we will identify some familiar songs and try to sing them by clapping, tapping and dancing to their rhythms, after which we will discuss some moral lessons.

 Learners, kindly click the link below and listen to this wonderful song https://youtu.be/Ju38Sdc2cSg?si=VfGR4e6lF7e0SLTu

God’s love is so wonderful

God’s love is so wonderful

God’s love is so wonderful

Oh oh wonderful

So high you can get over high

So deep you can get under it

So wide you cant get around it

Oh wonderful love


Have you heard this song before?

Where did you hear if from?

How well can you sing this song?


Click on the link below and see if you can identify these familiar songs. Clap, tap and dance to the rhythm whether you are familiar with it or not.


Jesus loves the little children

Of the children the world

Red and yellow, black and white

They are precious in his sight

Jesus loves the little children of the world


Johny Johny yes papa

Eating sugar no Papa

Telling lies?

No Papa

Which part of the above songs interest you the most?


I will be teaching you a new song. Please click on the link below


Sing this new song to your friend.


Week 2

B1. Listen to and recite rhymes and tongue-twisters with accompanying actions.

Hi Learner!

How are you doing today?

Before we begins today’s lesson, I will be showing some to you some flash cards containing letters of the alphabets for you to sound them.


What is the sound of the first letter?

What is the sound of the second letter at the top?

What is the sound of the third letter at top?

What is the sound of the letter below letter a?

What is the sound of the letter above letter f?

In today’s lesson, we are going listen to and recite rhymes and tongue-twisters with accompanying actions.

Let’s click on the link below and recite these familiar rhymes.


Baa baa black sheep

Have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full

One for the master

One for the dame

One for the little boy who leaves down the lane.


rain, rain go away

come again other day

mummy wants to play

rain rain go way


we are going to learn a new rhyme. Please click on the link below to listen the new wonderful rhyme. After which we will echo-read it.


Bits of paper

Bits of paper

Lying on the floor

Make the place untidy

Make the place untidy

Pick them up

Pick them up


Learner, recite the lines of the rhymes whiles you tap and clap to the rhythm.

Lets identify some action words from the above rhyme

  • Pick
  • Up
  • Laying

Spell out the following words

  • Paper
  • Untidy
  • Pick
  • floor

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Subject Includes

  • 29 Lessons