welcome to this lesson
We are going to be guided by this content standards under this sub strands of our
Sub-Strand 1: Environmental issues
i. Demonstrates skills in dealing with environmental challenges
i. Analyze the sources and ways of conserving energy in Ghana
il. Analyze the sources and ways of conserving energy in Ghana
By the end of this sub-strand, you will be able to;
i. Examine waterpollu tion as an environmental challenge Exemplars
ii. Examine the means of conserving energy
Ghana’s environment is confronted with a lot of challernges. These challenged can
only be solved holistically by involving all stakeholders. There is therefore the need
for all Ghanaians to become aware these challenges so as to adopt the best
strategies to solve the issues.
1. Learners brainstorm for the meaning of polution after which the are made to list the
various types ofpollution
2. Learners are put into groups and each group is given a task to perform as follows:
a. water pollution and types
b. Causes of Water Pollution
c. Effects of Water Pollution
d. Ways to Control Water Pollution
environment by natural forces or man and other animals to an extent that causes
biological damage to man and his resources.
POLLUTION could also be defined as the release of harmful amounts of substances
into the atmosphere as a result of human activities to the extent that they make the
environment impure. Additionally pollution is the contamination of the physical,
chemical, and biological conditions of the immediate surroundings by waste and other
substances to a level that harm the quality of human life and other living organisms.
Water, one of the most vital natural resources on earth has been with mankind since
creation. Two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water which is distributed in the
form of oceans, rivers, lakes, streams lagoons, reservoirs and dams. Even though water
covers 2/3 of the earth’s surface, less than 0.3% of the water is accessible for human
usage and consumption. The commercial and industrial usage of water as well as lack of
awareness has led to both in-efficient and outdated practices bringing about water
Diagram showing causes of Water Pollution
or other manmade materials, can find themselves iinto water sources and persist for a
long time. Because they are too robust to dissolve in the water and too big to miX
effectively with the molecules, they simply float on its surface and prevent oxygen and
Sunlight from penetrating below.
There are so many causes of water pollution. In other words there are sO many sOurces
by which water is polluted. However, the most important cause of water pollution is the
inappropriate and ineffective disposal of waste into water bodies. Let us now discuss
the causes of water pollution one after the other.
Causes of Water Pollution
The Discharge of Industrial Chemicals into water bodies: Waste materials from
industries cause water pollution. This is auite severe in the cities such as Tema and
Accra. In such cities large volumes of waste and dirty liquid from textile factories and
breweries are discharged into nearby rivers, lakes, seas or streams.
negative activities gradually cause wide – spread water pollution.
Poor Fishing Methods such as the use of dangerous chemicals Like DDT: The
practice of bad or poor fishing methods like the use of poisonous chemicals such as
The Spilling of oil into water bodies which kills the living things like Fish: The
spilling of oil or petroleum products into water bodies causes water pollution. This
normally happens when ships which carry oil develop leakages. The oil then leaks
into the sea causing water pollution resulting in deaths of fish.
The Use of Streams and Rivers as Public Places of convenience causes Water
Pollution: In some areas especially in the coastal and rural areas, Some
people use the seas, streams and rivers as public place of convenience, where they
also dump night soil or excreta. This practice contaminates the water for people
who use the same water for drinking.
Domestic Animals drinking from sources of drinking water: Cattle grazing
whereby they drink from water bodies contaminating them. In other words, when
animals walk into water bodies which people drink, it allows dirt and germs that are
harmful to human health to enter the water hence contaminating the water.
Water polution is the process by which water is contaminated or made impure by
Substances such as human and animal wastes, toxic chemicals and oil spills. Such
impure substances are harmful to human health and aquatic life.
Water pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into water bodies which
results in the reductions of the quality and safety of water for human, animal and tre
consumption. For example, the introduction of foreign substances such as damping of
oil, fecal matter, chemicals and refuse into water bodies. The main sources ofwater are
rainfall, the seas, lakes, rivers, streams and wells. Water is important to all living things
including man. Itis important for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes.
Despite the importance of water, sometimes people pollute the water as a result of
ineffective disposal of waste. For instance, in many rural areas in the country. people
use the same water for bathing, washing clothes and for drinking. The result of this is
thatit allows dirt and germs that are harmful to human health to enter the water.AII these
activities reduce the quality of the water. The activities also render the water unfit for its
intended use forcing institutions in-charge of water supply to spend a lot on water
Chemical pollution: Many companies and farmers rely on chemicals for a variety of
functions. It pollutes the water. Pollutants used to manage weeds, insects, and pests
leach into the water, causing pollution to spread. Metals and solvents from industry also
pollute the water.
AS mentioned above, agiculture is a key source of water pollution, especially for
groundwater. Fertilizers and pesticides applied to crops can seep into the ground and
Contaminate underwater rivers and waterbeds, thus compromising the quality of wells,
boreholes and other places from which groundwater is extracted for human use.
Microbiological pollution: This form of water contamination is caused by
microorganisms. Although the majority of microorganisms are innocuOus, certain
bacteria and viruses can cause significant health issues.
Microbiological pollution is a naturally occurring form of water contamination.
Microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa and viruses can infiltrate water supplies,
causing diseases such as bilharzia and cholera. Humans are most susceptible to this
kind of pollution in places where adequate water treatment systems are not yet in place.
Nutrient pollution: While they’re vital for underwater flora and fauna to flourish, an
excess of nutrients can upset the delicateimbalance of water-based ecosystems.
Fertilizers contain a high concentration of nutrients which, if they contaminate rivers,
lakes and coastal areas, can cause algal blooming that can block out sunlight and inhibit
the growth of other organisms.
Oxygen-depletion pollution: Another consequence of algal blooms is their
consumption of oxygen supplies. This means that those species which depend upon
Oxygen to survive are killed off, while anaerobic ones thrive. Some anaerobic
microorganisms are capable of producing ammonia, sulphides and other harmful toxins,
which can make the water even more dangerous to animals (and humans, too).
Surface water pollution: When hazardous chemicals come into touch with various
sources of water, they pollute the surface water. Harmful pollutants from different
sources combine or dissolve in lakes, lagoons, and seas, resulting in surface water
Surface water pollution could also refer to all water sources above ground, such as
rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, Surtace water pollution can occur both naturally,
accidentally and intentionally. For example, monitoring as an all-important natural flood
management which can lead to poor water quality, while accidental oil spills and
negligent industries emptying waste into water bodies are also key contributors.
Chemical pollution is the most common type of water pollution because chemicals can
infiltrate both underground water sources and those sitting on the Earth’s surface. As an
integral component of Agricultural industries, it’s unsurprising that much of chemical
contamination comes from the pesticides and fungicides used in farming, but metals
and solvents from industrial sites are also leading contributors.
Groundwater pollution: During the rain season, pesticides and chemicals applied to
crops and soil are washed deep into the earth. Pesticides combine with groundwater,
polluting it.
V. The Washing and Bathing in and. around Water Bodies Causes Water
Poiution: When people use the same water for bathing, washing clothes and
dnnking, the water gets polluted. This is very common in the rural areas. In such
places, people use the same water for bathing, washing clothes and for drinking.
Ihis allows dirt and germs that are harmful to human health to enter the water.
VII. Dumping of Solid and Liguid Waste into Water Bodies: Domestic wastes, both
liquid and solid, are sometimes thrown into water bodies. This practice causes
water pollution.
vii. Dredging: The dredging or panning of alluvial minerals e.g. Gold, Diamond etc
found along river beds or valleys also causes water pollution. Again in areas Such
as Tarkwa and Prestea, the activities of mining pollutes the rivers. This is because
chemicals such as mercury and cyanide which are used to wash the minerals are
thrown into nearby water bodies. These chemicals are poisonous and very harmful
to human health.
ix. Seepage: The use of agro-chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and the
likes pollute both surface and underground water. It is important to know that
excessive use of fertilizer makes underground water to become acidic.
vii. Sand winning activities near water bodies causes the water to pollute: Water
bodies are polluted when people dig and collect sand from and near water bodies
causes a lot of damage to the quality of the water making it impossible to support
animal and human life.
vili. Construction of buildings on wetland and river course is a source of water
pollution: When settlements are cited on and along river course the water from
such water bodies become polluted. This is because of the economic activities of
the people results in the introduction of domestic and industrial waste into the water
body. A good example is the Old Fadama (Sodom and Gomorrah) built on a
wetland around Korle Lagoon, the offin river in Kumasi etc.
Effects of Water Pollution
The effects of water pollution has sO many adverse effects on man. This is so because
water is important to all living things including man.
agricultural and industrial purposes. Itis very essential for life, water is life.
It is important for domestic,
organism needs water, without water the trees which give us oxygen
because of the importance of water, its pollution will put man’s life in danger. The
following are some of the effects of water pollution.
Every living
will die. So
Water Pollution results in the spread of Water-borne Diseases: When water is
polluted, it resufts into the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera,
diarmoea, guinea worm and dysentery. These diseases cause a lot of deaths tn
the country.
Water Polution Leads to Destruction of Fishes and Other Aquatic Plants an
Animals: When fishes and other aquatic plants and animals drink the water that is
polluted they may die. This is because the polluted water may contain poisonous
chemicals which are harmfulto them.
Water Pollution Makes the Water Muddy and Impure for use: The disposalof
wastes into water bodies allows germs and dirts that are harmful to human health to
enter the water. Again dredging, panning, bathing etc. into water bodies make the
water muddy, impure and unsafe for use.
Water Pollution Leads to High Cost of Treatment of Polluted Water: When
water is polluted, it costs too much money for the water and sewerage company to
treat the water and make it safe for human consumption. Eg. When the water is
Fish caught in Polluted Water is Unwholesome: Fish caught in polluted water
are harmful to those who eat them. This is because the fish died by drinking
poisonous water. This makes it also poisonous for human consumption.
vi. Drying up of Water Bodies: When water bodies or rivers are heavily polluted as a
result of waste disposal, the rivers may dry gradually. Eventually they may die or
dry up leading to shortage of water. Eg. Most rivers have dried up due to pollution.
This has led to shortage ofwater in the Country.
vil. Water pollution leads to Groundwater contamination: Pesticides and fertilizers
used in agricultural production polute groundwater as well as our ecology. If this
groundwater is directly delivered to our home via bore-wells or tube-wells, it will
cause a multitude of health issues.
vill. Water pollution also affects Human Health: Pollution affects humans, as faecal
matter in water sOurces can cause illnesses such as hepatitis. Poor drinking water
treatment and contaminated water can always lead to an epidemic of infectious
illnesses like cholera.
Toxic elements dissolved in water can make their way to humans through fish or
other aquatic organisms.
Water polution also leaches chemicals into the soil that may impact the growth
of plants or other food crops
muddy, it needs to be treated to make it clean for use. All these involve cost.
Tarming uses as much as 70% of the Earth’s water? If that water becomes
Contaminated, there are fewer reserves available to cultivate crops and sustain
Iivestock, thus contributing to reduced yields and poorer quality crops. Meanwhile,
the plants and animals which are reared using tainted water are not fit for human
Consumption, again indirectly contributing to a negative impact on human health.
The control of water pollution is the responsibility of everybody in the country. This is so
because water is life. No one can survive without water. We must, therefore, take some
of the following measures to control water pollution.
Water pollution also has economic related impact on the economy of a
country: The effects of water pollution are not just related to human and
environmental health, either. Contaminated water supplies must go through a
rigorous treatment process before they can become potable or suitable for
irrigation, washing or swimming in. This entails a financial price tag that is
prohibitive on human progress. Meanwhile, another economic impact engendered
by water pollution is the loss of revenue experienced by the tourism industry in
certain parts of the world.
Ways to Control Water Pollution
Education is the Most Effective way of Preventing Water Pollution: There
should be education on the need to protect water bodies. People must be
educated on the dangers of destruction of the vegetation that holds the soil
together and protect water bodies. This will help stop water pollution.
Legislation against water pollution: Laws should be passed to prosecute Law-
breakers who pollute water bodies.
Recycling of Solid and Liquid Waste: We should recycle the waste instead of
dumping them into water bodies. This is the best way of protecting water bodies.
Encouraging Proper Disposal of Domestic Waste: We must encourage people
in the proper disposal of domestic wastes. They must be told not to dispose waste
into water courses. Since this may contaminate the water and make it unsafe for
Encouraging Proper Disposal of Industrial Wastes: The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) must supervise the disposal of industrial waste. This will
help prevent water pollution. They must not allow the wastes and dirty liguid from
textile and brewery factories to be poured into nearby water bodies.
Fishermen should use appropriate fishing methods: Fishermen should stop
using their poor fishing methods. The use of dangerous chemicals such as DDI
must be banned. Therefore, the ban on the use of DDT for fishing must be strictly
Using the think-pair-share method, learners define energy conservation and the
responsible use energy efficiently at home and work places to minimize economic
and environmental cost.
Learners are putinto groups to discuss the need for energy conservation.
Energy conservation is the practice of using less energy and can be achieved by
adjusting behaviours and habits for example turning off appliances such as Computers,
TVs, etc. OR Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the less use of energy
for example turning off light when leaving the room OR energy conservation is the
practice of reducing the quantity of energy used.
An old Indian saying has it that ‘the earth, water and the air are not a gift to us from
our parents but a loan from our children’, and as such we need to put practicable
measures in place to conserve it for their use in the future. Below are some of the
responsible ways by which energy could be used.
Energy can be used responsibly by education of the people: The best way energy
in our societies can be used responsibly is by education the people on the best ways of
using energy and the benefits associated with us using it responsibly. When the general
public is well educated on the responsible ways of using energy in our daily lives they will
adhere to the best and responsible use of energy and thereby reduce cost.
By closing the door and make maximum use of day-light: To economize energy,
there is the need to always close the doors of our room as well as the door to our fridges.
This action will help reduce burden on local power grid and save you good amount of
money at the end.
Energy can be used responsibly to minimize economic and environmental cost
by making good use of solar/ by switching to solar energy instead of electricity:
The use of solar energy is the best way to economize the cost of energy. Solar energy is
less costly than electricity and it is also environmentally friendly and should be used by
every household
Using public transport or walking or using bicycle instead of driving is another
Way by Which energy cost can be reduced: Individuals should be encouraged to use
pubic transport or use bicycles or if possible walk instead of using their private cars. For
example when we all adopt to the use of private transport the cost of using fuel to and fro
IS reduced and the environment is also least affected. Additionally the use of bIcycles
and walking is of more health benefit to the individual without any cost.
Using fans in the room instead of turning on AC to cool off room is also a way of
minimizing economic and environmental cost: The use energy responsibly there is
the need to use fans in our rooms instead of turning on and using then air conditioner
(AC). This is because the AC consumes a lot more energy than the fans. The longer the
AC is turned on the energy is used and the more one will have to pay for the energy so
Turning off all appliances when not in use is also a responsible way using energy
to minimize cost: To economize cost of energy and power it is advised that every
household should turn off all appliances not in use. For example all lights should be put
off and all electrical sockets and switches be put off when not in use.
Installing and using energy efficient light bulbs e.g. CFL / LED is another
responsible way of using energy to reduce environment and economic cost: The
installation and use of CFL / LED bulbs helps reduce cost of energy as such bulb
consumes less energy.
Other responsible uses of energy include the following;
Zero energy balance
Alternative power supply
Reduce our demand for energy
Washing laundry in cold water instead of hot water
By using smart power strips
By using air-dry dishes and clothes
Using the correct size burner for a cooking pan.
Energy needs to be conserved in order to cut down cost: When we learn to
conserve energy both at home and the work place by puting off unused appliances such
as fried, air conditioners, computers etc goes a long way to reduce cost of purchasing
powerlenergy for the business and home. Ihis is because energy used is paid for at the
Energy conservation is necessary in order to promote economic sustainability:
VWhen energy is conserved first class users reduces their expenses and that of the
nation’s expense and thus promote economic security.
We need to conserve energy to help protect and preserve natural resources from
depletion: Our resources such gas, coal, oil, gold etc are finite in nature and can get
finished after a long period of use. We have a responsibility to preserve them for the
future generation as well, hence the need for preserving them from depletion.
Energy conservation is necessary because we save energy to reduce pollution of
the environment: Energy generated for today’s use especially those from coal
powered plant and other related sources pollute the environment by releasing toxic
Substance into the atmosphere. These substances are harmful to human and animal
health when the polluted air is breathed in as well as the environment.
Energy conservation help prevent climate change by reducing emission: When
individuals and companies conserve the amount of energy they use it helps in
preventing climate change as the level of emission is reduced. The less the amount
emission into the atmosphere through the use of energy, the less the change in the
Businessmen needs to conserve energy in order to increase efficiency and
maximize businesses profits: The prime aim of every businessman is to make and
maximize profits. Profits in a business can be maximized when businessmen conserve
energy and pay less for energy used.
Energy conservation curbs demand for electric power and delays the need for
power generation: When energy is conserved, there will be less demand for electric
power whịch may even delay the need for more power generation stations to meet total
Since, we have limited quantity of non-renewable energy resources available on earth,
it is very important to preserve energy from our current supply or to utilize renewable
resources so that it is also available to our future generations.
Energy conservation plays a very important role because utilization of non-renewable
resources also impacts our environment. Specially, usage of fossil fuels supplies to air
and water pollution such as carbon dioxide is produced when oll, coal and gas combust
in power stations, heating systems, and engines of car.
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